Monday, September 15, 2014

German 1B/10B - General test topics for Kapitel 4. 10B students, see special note

Here are the general topics that will be covered on the test for Kapitel 4 on 9/23:

1.  Listening section

2.  Identify times

3.  the imperative

4.  Describing activities using a time expression or adverb of time

5.  Modals, fill in the blanks

6.  Reading section and questions

7.  Writing section.  Write a short paragraph in German (45-50 words) in which you describe your life at college compared to your life at home, using each of the modal verbs introduced in Kap 4.

8.  A question on German culture, based on assigned reading of Landeskultur-Info.

For 10B students:

1. Listening section

7.  In lieu of writing, prepare a short oral presentation based on this topic.  You will be assessed based on use of vocabulary and using all of these modals at least once:

dürfen  möchten   sollen

können  müssen   wollen

I will listen to each one separately during the test time.  You are also welcome to take the grammar section of the test and I will correct it, though not grade it.  This might be helpful for you to get a sense of how you are learning the material.  

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