Friday, March 27, 2015

German 1B/10B: Assignment for 4/7: Kapitel 6: Wir gehen aus

Complete the assignment for the week of 3/23 >.  If you haven't already done, begin work on the workbook/lab manual for Kapitel 6.

Thema 2: Die Speisekarte, bitte!

P. 180: study the menu from Die Knolle.  Read the Analyse and prepare answers to the questions.

A,, p. 181: match the German words to the English equivalents.

B: what doesn't belong?  THEN, write your own "Was passt nicht"?  

Akt. 4: a Jumble challenge.  Rewrite the words, unscrambled.   

P. 182: Read Landeskunde-Info and be able to answer the questions, telling the class what you like and don't like.  (z. B. Truthahn mag ich nicht!)

Akt. 5: Listen and fill in the blanks

Akt. 6, p. 183: Be prepared to tell a classmate what you'd like to order for 20 Euro or less.  Use the Speisekarte on page 180 as a reference.  

Akt. 7: will be done in class.  Be sure to read Landeskunde-Info, p. 183 for ordering in restaurant information.

Read Landeskunde-Info, p. 183 and be prepared to answer the questions. 

Read here about tipping and restaurant etiquette in Germany. 

To round things off, just for fun and information, watch this video:

Grammatik im Kontext: 

P. 190: Read: Describing location and note the use of "wo" when describing location.  

Übung 5: write complete sentences answer the questions. 

Übung 6: fill in the blanks with the correct verb in its correct form. 

P. 191: Read: Describing placement and note the use of "wohin".  Note that "wohin" can be separated into "wo" and "hin" and function much like the separable prefix verbs that you learned in Kapitel 4. 

Read Sprach-Info regarding setzen.  It introduces the concept of reflexive pronouns, which will be further explored in Kapitel 8, yet another reason to sign up for German 2A (Fall 2015)

Übung 7, p. 192: fill in the blanks with the correct verbs and their correct forms.  Especially note the Sprach-Info on p. 192.  

Übung 8: fill in the blanks with the correct verbs and their correct forms. 

Übung 9: will be done in class.  For this one, review vocabulary for furniture, interiors, etc. on pp. 80-81. 

Pp. 193-194: read Expressing time with prepositions

Übung 10: will be done in class.  It would be beneficial to have some questions and answers ready to ask/reply.  Z.B: S1: Was machst du von 7-8 Uhr morgens? 

Click here for some additional exercises with prepositions of time. 

Click here for some additional exercises with dative/accusative: liegen/legen, stellen/stehen

Click here for some additional exercises with location only. 

Click here  and here for some either/or preposition exercises.  Note: where you see "wo" you will use the ??? case and where you see "wohin" you will use the ??? case.  

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Assignment for German 1B/10B: To be posted on blog (restaurant) and in an email by 2/27

In lieu of class, and to be sure we don't lose valuable time with Kapitel 6, here is an assignment to "send in" by 4/27 or 4/28:

Listen to B (3 times) and match numbers and letters to characterize the restaurants.

THEN, describe in 2-3 sentences a restaurant you like to go to,

first say where the restaurant is, and, using the Neue Wörter on p. 176 and the restaurant flyers, say what its hours of operation are and on which day (if any) it is closed.  Then, describe the atmosphere of the restaurant, using these words or others that you know: 

gemütlich, elegant, teuer, preiswert, rappelvoll, laut, macht viel Spaß, empfehlenswert (recommendable)

Post your restaurant "review" as a comment after this post, so that others can also benefit. 

Grammatik im Kontext: 

Übung 1: type out 7 sentences, using the seven locations and the "Einkaufszettel" and say where you can by the various items.  Note that you will use "in" + the dative.  

Then just type out "Wohin geht Mark?"  Er geht in _______________, and use "in" + the accusative for each of the locations you had chosen above.     

Übung 2, p. 188: Determine how you would express the accusative case for each destination.  Write 7 sentences in which you say whether you like to go to a certain place or not.  See the example.   

Please send the completed homework to me at, either in the body of the email or as an attachment.  

Monday, March 16, 2015

German 1B/10B: Assignment for 3/24: Kapitel 6: Wir gehen aus

Students please note: the Kapitel 6 test is now scheduled for 4/21, a week later than previously scheduled.  

Assignment for 3/24: 

Kapitel 6: Wir gehen aus

Alles klar? p. 175.  Look at the information flyer and prepare answers for A.

Listen to B (3 times) and match numbers and letters to characterize the restaurants.

THEN, describe in 2-3 sentences a restaurant you like to go to,

first say where the restaurant is, and, using the Neue Wörter on p. 176 and the restaurant flyers, say what its hours of operation are and on which day (if any) it is closed.  Then, describe the atmosphere of the restaurant, using these words or others that you know: 

gemütlich, elegant, teuer, preiswert, rappelvoll, laut, macht viel Spaß, empfehlenswert (recommendable)

Thema 1: Lokale, p. 176

Look at the various menus and flyers, then jot down the letters that answer the questions in the Analyse, p. 177.

Read Landeskunde-Info, study the vocabulary, and be prepared to discuss the questions.

Read Sprach-Info, p. 178 and peruse the illustration.  Akt. 1 will be done in class.

Akt. 2: will be done in class, but prepare some answers.  

Akt. 3 will be done in class.  

Grammatik im Kontext: 

P. 186: read about two-way prepositions and study carefully the notes. Note especially the difference between using "wo" and "wohin".  You will learn more about this important difference in this chapter.  

Read and study the Analyze, p. 187 and note "wo" and "wohin" examples.

Übung 1: be prepared to do this in class and say where Mark would buy the items on his shopping list.  To practice the difference between using "in" as an accusative vs. dative preposition, ask yourself for each example:  Wohin geht Mark, wenn er Aufschnitt braucht?  

Übung 2, p. 188: be prepared to do this in class.  Determine how you would express the accusative case for each destination.  

Übung 3, p. 188: be prepared to do this in class and answer questions 1-6.  

Übung 4, p. 189: will be done in class.  Notice that you will be using modals in many of these statements, so it's a good time to review modals on p. 129.  

Prepare answers to Lesen/Zum Thema, p. 198, 1 and 2.  

For extra practice:  Two-way prepositions 

Thursday, March 12, 2015

MeetUp for German at Paprika to Practice German Conversation

Here's a chance for anyone to practice their German conversation skills, be they beginning or advanced, join the German "Stammtisch".   This group has been around for quite a while, it's legit!  People (folks) meet at Paprika, which is in the heart of the Mission at 3324 24th Street, between Bartlett and Mission, just across from the 24th Street BART station.  Click here for more information. 

Review for Kapitel 5 test here!

Learning German offers a 3.8% "bonus" in economic terms
If you haven't already done so, do check out the quizzes for each chapter in Deutch: Na Klar! (6e).  There are both vocabulary and grammar quizzes, which would be good preparation for the upcoming chapter test.  

And click here for a short webercise checking your knowledge of how to use "von" vs. "aus".   And click here for another dative preposition self-correct-quiz. 

If you're curious about the "language bonus" discussion to the left, click here for the Economist's article regarding this intriguing thought.  Who knew?  

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

German 1B/10B: Assignment for 3/17/ and test topics for 1B and 10B

Kapitel 5: Continue to complete and self-correct workbook and complete lab manual.  Doing a thorough job with these will greatly help you with the test on 3/17.  The topics for the test are below, after the assignment. 

Continue to review vocabulary for Kapitel 5: "Kleidungstücke" and "Lebensmittel".  

Page 155: Aktivität 13. Scan the pictures of Jutta.  Read Sprach-Info,  to clarify: zuerst, zuletzt, deshalb, jetzt. Then draw arrows to match sentences with a logical second part, begining with 1 and continue through 5. 

Aktivität 14: Will be done in class. 

Grammatik im Kontext: 

Übung 12, p. 166.  Prepare answers to 1-7 and write your own questions w/response to complete in class.


Watch the video, p. 167.  Jot down answers for A, B, and C.

Lesen: Zum Thema, p. 167

Fill in the blanks for A, 1-6 and B, 1-5.

Bei welchem Supermarkt kaufst du ein?  Wo kaufst du Kleidung ein?  Wo kaufst du im Internet ein?

Here is a video about shopping in Hamburg that you might find interesting.  Frage: Wer ist Frau Holle? 


Study for test, Kapitel 5:

Review "Das kann ich nun!" p. 173.

Review Wortschatz, pp. 172-173

Test topics:

1.  Listening section on the topic "Einkaufen".

2.  Vocabulary identification: clothing

3.  Use of dative only verbs: writing complete sentences

4.  Vocabulary categories: "Lebensmittel".

5.  Places to shop in Germany.

6.  dative pronouns

7.  wo, wohin, woher

8.  dative prepositions and adjective endings for nominative, accusative and dative

9.  reading selection

10.  writing section:

Vielen Dank.  Sie haben gerade von Ihrer Großmutter mehrere Kleidungsstücke, Geschenke und Schokolade zum Geburtstag bekommen.  Schreiben Sie ihr einen Dankesbrief (thank you note) (50-60 words).  Benutzen Sie (use) die folgenden Verben mindestens ein mal.     

gut stehen                              gefallen
passen                                    schmecken

11.  Culture question based on one of the assigned Landeskunde Infos.

10B students: please prepare a presentation of your own based on one of the following topics in the length of no less than 3 minutes:   

1.  Your "Lieblingskleidungsstück".  Bring a favorite item of clothing and present a description of that item, tell where and when you bought it or, if a gift, in what circumstances was it given to you (zum Geburtstag?) Use one of these verbs with a dative object:  gefallen, passen or stehen.  

2.  Lebensmittel:  bring in 4 or 5 products that you would use to make breakfast, lunch, or dinner (no fresh meat items, please!).  Describe these items, and say where you bought them and what they cost.  Say at what time you have this meal and where you would have it and with whom.  Use the dative at least twice in your presentation, be it with a dative preposition, a dative object, a dative verb.   

Only key word notes may be used, no reading from a prepared topic.  You may, however, use note cards or paper with "key words and phrases" to prompt you.  Practice in front of a friend or family member in order to get a sense of how long the presentation is and to make you feel more comfortable with your presentation to the class.  

Monday, March 2, 2015

Self-correcting exercises for the dative prepositions

Click here to go to a self-correcting exercise for the dative prepositions, about which you are reading and studying for next week.  

Sunday, March 1, 2015

German1B/10B - Assignment for 3/10/15 - Kapitel 5 (3)

Continue to work on the workbook/lab manual for 3/17.  

Thema 3, p. 152

Look at the ads and study the new vocabulary.  Which words do you already know or can guess from the list given in A.  

B: write answers

C: be prepared to answer questions.  Note use of "zum" to talk about "for" dinner, etc.   

Read: Landeskunde-info, p. 153 and think about the questions. 

Look at Sprach-info, p. 153.  Are you already familiar with the metric system? 

Akt. 10, p. 153: Be prepared to say where your would buy the items 1-9.  

Akt. 11, p. 154: Listen and note answers.  

Akt. 12 will be done in class. 


Read p. 164, Prepositions with the Dative Case.  Study the various uses of each preposition carefully.  Prepositions are very "idiomatic", meaning that they do not always, or even often, have direct translations or one-to-one correspondences with their English language counterparts.  

Memorize!  There is no way around it!  Try attaching the list of dative prepositions to the beginning of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star".  

Read Notes and Sprach-Info.  

P. 165: Übung 9: Listen 3 x and check correct box.  

Übung 10, fill in with the correct prepositions.  Consult the list of prepositions on page 164.  

Übung 11, bring it all together with correct prepositions, articles and endings.  

Übung 12, will be done in class. 

P. 166: Read Interrogative pronouns and do Übung 13: create questions using wo, wohin, or woher, per the example.