Monday, April 13, 2015

German 1B/10B: Assignment for 4/21 and test topics: 1B/10B

Continue to work on workbook/lab manual.  Test for Kapitel 6 will be on 4/21/14.  The topic for both 1B and 10B are as below.  Please read it carefully. 

Any assignments assigned for 4/14 that weren't reviewed will be reviewed on 4/21.  


Read: Expressing time with prepositions, p. 193 for useful information about using various two-way prepositions with time and either dative or accusative. 

Übung 10: prepare some answers to use in class.  

Review the simple past of modals, p. 196.  

Übung 15: Write 4 sentences, based on your experiences in childhood. 

Übung 16: will be done in class.  (if time permits)  

Sprache im Kontext: 

A. Watch the video for Kapitel 6 and answer A, B, and C.  Write down or have prepared to share answers to D

B.  Write a short report about something you have cooked, whether successfully or not!  OR find a recipe in German for a dish you would like to cook or consume and be prepared to describe it to the class.  

Just for fun, watch Frau Lutz make spaetzle.  Note: she is speaking in a dialect of some sort, but you can get the idea.  In the alternative, you could purchase a "Spaetzlehobel."


Test topics for Kapitel 6: 

Listening section: Identifying places on a map

1. Vocabulary: what doesn't fit 

2.  Vocabulary: Dining in restaurant-related vocabulary.  Fill in blanks. 

3.  Saying where things are or being put according to a picture.  You will use hängen, legen, liegen, setzen, sitzen, stecken, stehen, stellen.  Review use of these various verbs with reference to location (using the dative + preposition) vs. placement (using the accusative + preposition). 

4.  Simple past of haben/sein

5.  Reading passage and questions 

6.  writing (see below: Dialog im Restaurant)   

7.  Culture questions based on information in Landeskunde-Info assigned.  

Here is the topic for both 1B and 10B: 

Write a description of 40-50 words about your "Lieblingsrestaurant".  Where is it, what kind of food do they serve, what is the atmosphere like, with whom do you go there,  why do you go there, what is your favorite "Vorspeise", "Hauptgericht", "Nachspeise", "Getränk."  How much does it cost, what kind of tip would you leave?  Anything else you would care to add that would be interesting to reach the 40-50 word threshold.    

Please prepare a 3-4 minutes description of "Ihr Lieblingsrestaurant", using the questions on page 201, Schritt 1.  I will have a laptop (wi-fi enabled) and projector if you would like to use the internet or project some photos to liven up your presentation.  You could quote a sentence from a Yelp review.  Be creative!  Your classmates will ask follow up questions.  

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