Sunday, February 22, 2015

German1B/10B - Assignment for 3/3/15 - Kapitel 5 (2)

Continue working on the workbook/lab manual for Kapitel 5.  The workbook reinforces what is covered in class, and there is a high correlation between doing well on the test and being thorough in working through the workbook.  

Review Wortschatz, pp. 172-173.  There is a lot of new vocabulary (clothing, food items), try to make flashcards and include the definite article and the plural form as you learn and review. 

Thema 2, p. 149: 

Study Neue Wörter, p. 149.  Listen to "Beim Einkaufen im Kaufhaus" and check correct answers.  

Was ist deine Lieblingsfarbe? 

Akt. 5, p. 150, fill in the blanks based on the dialog on p. 149. 

Study Landeskunde-Info, p. 150.  Answer the two questions. 

Listen to Akt. 6 and fill in the blanks. 

Akt. 7, 8, 9 will be done in class. 

Read the Sprach-Info x 2 on p. 151.  You can also use the dative to say say that you are buying yourself something:Z.B:  Ich kaufe mir eine neue Bluse. 


P. 162: Read carefully Verbs with a Dative Object only.  

Übung 7, p. 162

Be prepared to say something about each picture, per the example. 

Schritt 2: Practice using the dative verbs and pronouns in sentences

Übung 8, p. 163

Complete the dialog with the correct pronouns and verbs  

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

German 1B/10B: Assignment for 2/24/15: Kapitel 5: Einkaufen

Kapitel 5: Einkaufen

When the Grammatik assignments have been completed, begin work on workbook, Kap 5 and begin lab manual.  

Alles klar? p. 145: 

Study the graphic "Kaufhaus" and formulate questions and answers to: Wo findet man?  For 10 of the 14 topics given on p. 145, right column. 

Listen to B and underline correct answer.  

Thema 1, p. 146: study the vocabulary for A and write sentences describing what people wear for B.  

Write 4-5 sentences describing your wardrobe.  

P. 147: read Analyse and put together some compound nouns.  Look at the post here and see if you can find the compound nouns that form these words.  

Akt. 1: Listen and check correct answers.  Was nimmst du auf einer Reise mit? 

Akt 2: be prepared to tell a classmate what you would wear under any of the situations listed.  It would be helpful to jot down items in advance under each category

Akt. 3, will be done in class

Read Sprach-Info, p. 148

Grammatik im Kontext: 

P. 157: the Dative Case

Read carefully, pp. 157-158.  Study the dative pronoun chart.  Bring questions to class if you have them.  

Übung 1, fill in the blanks

Übung 2 will be done in class.  Be prepared to participate and report back what you have learned about a neighbor to the class using the third person

Übung 3, fill in the blanks with the correct pronoun.   

Read Articles and Possessive Adjectives in the Dative, pp. 159-160

Read The Dative case for indirect ojbects, p. 160
and read the notes carefully. 

Übung 5, p. 161: Write complete sentences, paying close attention to word order.  You will not need to change any of the elements given, just the order to make logical sentences. 

Übung 6 will be done in class. 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

German is Easy, no it's not: doch!

Click here to go to the Deutsch?  Na Klar! Blog, for a discussion of "doch" used as a "flavoring particle" (as introduced in Kapitel 4), as well as a link to the Your Daily German blog with lots of helpful discussions of various language and grammar terms and conundrums.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Nur zum Spass!

See if you can guess what the "literal translation" into German is of these words (as they are translated from German into English, quite literally!)

German 1B/10B: Assignment for 2/17 and general test topics for test/presentation: Kapitel 4

Continue to work on and complete workbook/lab manual for Kapitel 4.  Make self-corrections using the key in a different color of ink.  These will be handed in on 2/17.  If you prefer to keep the workbook/lab manual pages in the book, please photocopy your work to hand in, as I do not collect the entire workbook, as you might have been used to doing in German 1A.

The first office hour will be held on 2/17 from 4:50-5:50 p.m. I will be in the teacher's prep room # 360 (Bartlett Building); call at 415-920-6018 to reach me.  (The door is locked).  If I do not answer, then I will be in the Media Lab in the Library, 4th Floor, Valencia Building.  

For 2/17:

Übung 14, p. 133, prepare to do in class.  

Thema 3: Kino, Musik und Theater, p. 121

Listen to the conversation between Jan and Ulla.  Study the "Neue Wörter" and check boxes to questions: Was siehst du gern?  Think of examples of films, stage productions and music that you like or would like to see and be ready to tell the class. 

Read Sprach-Info, p. 121. 

Read carefully Landeskunde-Info, p. 122.  What is your takeaway concerning cultural life in Germany after reading this? 

P. 122: Listen to Akt. 8 and select the correct answer.  

Akt 9, p. 123, will be done in class. 

Akt 10, p. 123 will be done in class.  Try to think of and write down for use some possible ways to accept or decline an invitation.  

Watch the video, p. 137.  It is accessible here where you access the lab manual audio.  
Remember: the user name is:  german  and the password is:  ccsf

Write answers for A, B, and C.  

P. 137: Lesen: Zum Thema.  Prepare answers for A and B.  

Study for test, Kap 4.  1B: See below for the general topics and the subject of the "Schreiben" section.  You will be able to prepare your vocabulary and gather your thoughts in advance, however, you will not be permitted to consult your notes during the test!  

10B: Here are the general topics that will be covered on the test for Kapitel 4 on 9/23:

1.  Listening section

2.  Identify times

3.  the imperative
4.  Describing activities using a time expression or adverb of time
5.  Modals, fill in the blanks

6.  Reading section and questions

7.  Was machst du am Wochenende? Write a short paragraph in German (50-60 words) in which you describe what you generally do over the weekend. Use the appropriate form of each of the modal verbs listed below at least once. (20 points)

dürfen                                       möchten                                      sollen
können                                      müssen                                        wollen

8.  A question on German culture, based on assigned reading of Landeskultur-Info.

For 10B students:

1. Listening section

2.  In lieu of the written part of the chapter test, prepare a short, 3 minute, oral presentation based on one of the following topics.  You will be assessed based on use of vocabulary and using at least 3 of the 6 modal verbs at least once:

dürfen  möchten   sollen

können  müssen   wollen

a.  Was machst du am Wochenende?  Wann machst du was?  Use at least three time designations of any sort that have been introduced in Kapitel 4, in addition to three of the modal verbs.  (see above, No. 7)


b.    Wie sieht dein Wochenplan aus?  (what is your weekly schedule like?)  Was machst du wann, wo, und warum?

You will give the brief presentation to the class, using props, if possible, to add interest and focus.  Or bring photos illustrating something you are referring to to show to the class.  After your presentation, 1 or 2 (depending on time) 1B student(s) will ask you a question pertaining to the presentation.

You are also welcome to take the grammar section of the test and I will correct it, though not grade it. This might be helpful for you to get a sense of how you are learning the material.  Otherwise, 10B students may leave after taking the listening section of the chapter test (and handing in the lab manual).

Monday, February 2, 2015

German1B/10B: Asssignment for 2/10/15: Kapitel 4

Kapitel 4:   Mein Tag 

Begin working on the workbook and lab manual (1B) or the lab manual (10B).  Make corrections using the answer key in a different color of ink (WB only).  WBs that are not corrected (unless you are perfect, which can happen!) will not be accepted.  

Study Wortschatz, pp. 142-143.  

Thema 2, p. 118 

Read and study H-J's Wochenplan and note "Tageszeiten" at bottom of page.  

P. 119: read both Sprach-Infos.  

P. 119: A, fill in blanks, referring to H-J's Wochenplan. 

B:  Write 5 sentences using both "möchte" and "müssen" to say what you would like to do and what you must do.  Note word order!  The infinitive complement to the conjugated modal verb will be at the end of the sentence.  

Akt. 5, will be done in class.  

Akt. 6 will be done in class.  It would be beneficial if you have both general and specific times in mind to use with this exercise.  For example: Bist du morgen Nachmittag zu Hause?  or Bist du Morgen um 1:00 Uhr zu Hause?  

Akt. 7, p. 121: a variation on this:  jot down a brief "Stundenplan" for a typical day:

Beispiel:  Um 7 Uhr stehe ich auf.  Um 7.30 esse ich Frühstück, u.s.w.  Have 5-7 entries to share with the class.  Looking at the options in Übung 5, p. 127, will be helpful.  

Grammatik im Kontext: 

Pp. 133-135: The Imperative.  Read and study how to make requests and recommendations, give advice or commands.  Note esp. the difference between the two forms of informal (sing. and plural) and the formal.   

Click here for extra, self-correcting exercises using the imperative.

Listen to Übung 15, p. 134 and check boxes.  Note the difference in intonation between a question and a request/command.  

P. 136, p. 135, Übung 17, rewrite the sentences in the du-form of the imperative. 

Übung 18: Prepare this for class, deciding where to put doch, mal or bitte.  Practice saying these out loud!