Continue working on the workbook/lab manual for Kapitel 5. The workbook reinforces what is covered in class, and there is a high correlation between doing well on the test and being thorough in working through the workbook.
Review Wortschatz, pp. 172-173. There is a lot of new vocabulary (clothing, food items), try to make flashcards and include the definite article and the plural form as you learn and review.
Thema 2, p. 149:
Study Neue Wörter, p. 149. Listen to "Beim Einkaufen im Kaufhaus" and check correct answers.
Was ist deine Lieblingsfarbe?
Akt. 5, p. 150, fill in the blanks based on the dialog on p. 149.
Study Landeskunde-Info, p. 150. Answer the two questions.
Listen to Akt. 6 and fill in the blanks.
Akt. 7, 8, 9 will be done in class.
Read the Sprach-Info x 2 on p. 151. You can also use the dative to say say that you are buying yourself something:Z.B: Ich kaufe mir eine neue Bluse.
P. 162: Read carefully Verbs with a Dative Object only.
Übung 7, p. 162
Be prepared to say something about each picture, per the example.
Schritt 2: Practice using the dative verbs and pronouns in sentences
Übung 8, p. 163
Complete the dialog with the correct pronouns and verbs
Review Wortschatz, pp. 172-173. There is a lot of new vocabulary (clothing, food items), try to make flashcards and include the definite article and the plural form as you learn and review.
Thema 2, p. 149:
Study Neue Wörter, p. 149. Listen to "Beim Einkaufen im Kaufhaus" and check correct answers.
Was ist deine Lieblingsfarbe?
Akt. 5, p. 150, fill in the blanks based on the dialog on p. 149.
Study Landeskunde-Info, p. 150. Answer the two questions.
Listen to Akt. 6 and fill in the blanks.
Akt. 7, 8, 9 will be done in class.
Read the Sprach-Info x 2 on p. 151. You can also use the dative to say say that you are buying yourself something:Z.B: Ich kaufe mir eine neue Bluse.
P. 162: Read carefully Verbs with a Dative Object only.
Übung 7, p. 162
Be prepared to say something about each picture, per the example.
Schritt 2: Practice using the dative verbs and pronouns in sentences
Übung 8, p. 163
Complete the dialog with the correct pronouns and verbs