Tuesday, November 25, 2014

German 1B/10B: Assignment for 12/2/14: Kapitel 7

Continue to work on Kapitel 7, workbook/lab manual.  These are to be handed in on the evening of the final, so that you can use them as study guides.  10B students should hand in their lab manuals on 12/9, which is their last class and the evening of the 10B presentations.  
THEMA 3, p. 212 

Die Jahreszeiten- Das Wetter 

Write answers to A, 1-7 and complete B, 1-6, match with the pictures below. 

Study Neue Woerter, p. 213 and Wortschatz, das Wetter, pp. 232-233.  Make flashcards with Quia or some other program that you might know of for your smart phone. 

Akt. 7, p. 214.  Write correct alphabet answers, using the map as your reference. 

Listen to Akt. 8, p. 215 and check answers.  Be sure to note the temperatures.  

Read "Landeskunde-Info", p. 215.  

WRITE a 2-3 sentences for Akt. 9, p. 215 to read to the class.  

THEN, write a brief weather report for your area, as a three-day forecast.  You can find the forecast at Wunderground

THEN,  watch the short video (at the end of this page) and describe the weather.  Magst du solches Wetter oder nicht?  Warum oder warum nicht?  

Grammatik im Kontext: 

Read "Expressing comparisons: The Comparative".  p. 226: review notes, esp.  at bottom of p. 226, "als" and fill in the blanks for Übung 13, write comparative sentences using the example as a guide for Übung 14.  Note: you could use actual weather conditions for answers to 5-7.    

Note that, unlike in English, you would not try to form the comparative in German using "mehr" (the equivalent of "more").  

Read Expressing Equality, p. 228 and write 7 sentences for Übung 15.  

Übung 16 will be done in class, but it would be helpful if you formulate questions beforehand.  

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

German 10B: Topics for the final presentation on 12/9/14

The German 10B students will give their final presentation on 12/9/14 in lieu of the final exam (12/16).  12/9 will also be a review session of Kapitel 4-7 and review of the practice Kapitel 7 test for 1B students.    

The presentation should be approximately 5-6 minutes in length.  Choose from one of these topics, based on the material covered in chapters 4-6.  

Kapitel 4: Mein Tag.  Describe your day from morning to evening, creating a smooth narrative that includes time designations (um ... or von ... bis, or jeden Montag, etc.  See page 142 for a list.)   Include mealtimes and what you have for each meal.  2) use at least two modal verbs, saying what you have to do, are supposed to do, may not do, etc.).  You could look at Übung 1, p. 126, for some inspiration.  How interesting can you make your day sound to your classmates?  What is your mood during the day?  Please include one "Unterhaltung", which can be something as simple as watching a show on TV (give the name of the show).  Of course, this narrative does not have to reflect reality, word for word!  For some vocabulary on how to describe your (bad) mood (and just for fun), go here.     

Kapitel 5:  Einkaufen.  Bring in three (3) articles of clothing and/or accessories.  Prepare a 2 minute description of each: where did you purchase this (use the present perfect tense in each case here), what is it made of (Der Hut ist aus Wolle, u.s.w.), what color it is, what size, does it fit you (use the dative), do you like it (use the dative) and why (use "denn"), in what situation would you wear such an item?  How long have you had these items? Anything else you can think of.  Tell a story about these articles!  

Kapitel 6:   Wir gehen aus.  Go to Yelp Deutschland (yelp.de), go to Berlin, and research and find a restaurant or cafe in Berlin that you might like to one day visit and eat at.  Describe the menu, give 2 examples each of: Vorspeise, Hauptgericht, Beilage, Nachspeise, Getränke.  How much would the typical meal cost?  What days and times is it open?  Include one of the Yelp reviews (read to the class).  If there are photos, use some adjectives to describe the interior, the restaurant's atmosphere.  Describe the general area that the restaurant is located (z.B.: Es liegt in der Mitte Berlins, zwischen .... und .....)  How would you get the restaurant (see "Route Berechnen" on Yelp.)  Bring a printout of the restaurant's menu!  Print out photos of the restaurant. Your choice need not serve "German" food, but could be international in flavor. 

Above all, have fun with this! 


Monday, November 17, 2014

German1B/10B: Assignment for 11/25/14: Kapitel 7: Freizeit und Sport

Begin (or continue) working on the workbook/lab manual for Kapitel 7.

P. 210, Thema 2: Hobbys ...

Study Neue Wörter, p. 210.  Wie verbringen Sie Ihre Freizeit?  Complete Schritt 1 to complete in class with Schritt 2. 

P. 211.  Listen to Akt. 3 and check the correct answers. 

Akt. 4: be prepared to do this in class.  Prepare a short list of 3-5 things that you like to do.  Add some other items to the short list in the book. 

Akt. 5 will be done in class. 

Listen to Akt. 6 and check the correct answers.  When something "stimmt nicht", jot down the correct answer.  

Grammatik im Kontext: 

P. 220: read about Strong Verbs.  Note that German strong verbs often parallel strong verbs in English, i.e., ones that have a vowel change (write > wrote, take > took, drink > drank).  While this knowledge does not necessarily  mean you can come up with the past participle for strong verbs just by guessing, at the very least, you will know that new verbs you encounter are not "weak" verbs. You will therefore not attempt to say:  Ich habe zu viel Bier getrinkt!  

P. 221, Übung 6.  Fill in the blanks.  The verbs with their past participles are listed on p. 220.

Übung 7, fill in the blanks with the correct past participle. 

P. 223: read about Mixed Verbs.  Write 4 sentences, one each, for bringen, denken, kennen and wissen in the past tense.  Tip:  You can say you are thinking about a certain person or thing or idea by using denken + an + accusative.  Try to work in a dative object, just for fun!

Pp. 223-224.  Read about Past Participles of Verbs with Prefixes.  

Übung 10, Schritt 1.  Complete the chart. 

Schritt 2: Write sentences for 1-5, per the example.  

P. 225, Übung 11: Complete the sentences with the correct past participle.  If you're unsure, look it up!  There is an Appendix in the back of the book with a list of common verbs and their principle parts, or you can look here, a good online dictionary.  

Übung 12 will be done in class.  Prepare to answer the question of "Was hast du letztes Wochenende gemacht?"  

P. 229, Lesen, zum Thema.  Look at the chart on page 230 and answer A, 1-4.  

For additional practice with using "haben" or "sein", click here.  Here is a short exercise with past participles.  


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

German1B/10B: Assignment for 11/18/14: Kapitel 7: Freizeit und Sport

Begin Kapitel 7.   After working through the Grammatik, begin workbook and lab manual for Kapitel 7. 

Read “Kostbare Zeit”, p. 207, Answer A, listen to B and answer questions.

A, p. 208: Be prepared to answer questions for A, based on San Franciscio or Bay Area locations.  Z.B: Wo kann man in SF Rad fahren?  Wo kann man Tennis spielen? 

Thema 1, p. 208, read and study, prepare answers to B.

Study, repeat, learn: Wortschatz, pp. 232-233 

Write Akt. 1. 

Read Sprach-Info, p. 210

Akt. 2 will be done in class, prepare to say which sports you enjoy, how often, where.  

Read Landeskunde-Info, p. 223 and prepare answers to the questions. 

Grammatik im Kontext: 

Read: Connecting Ideas: Coordinating conjunctions, p. 216.  These 5 conjunctions function similarly to English.  

Read: Expressing a contrast: aber vs. sondern, p. 216.  This is a little trickier.  Write the correct answers to Übung 1, p. 217.  Read the sentences carefully.  Ask yourself, is there a negative in the first contrasted element and are there two mutually exclusive ideas juxtaposed?  If so, then you must use sondern! 

Read and study:  The Present Perfect Tense, p. 217-218 + Analyse

Read "The Use of haben or sein as auxiliary", pp. 221-222.  Note, especially, that the majority of verbs will use "haben" + past participle in the present perfect tense.  Note that "sein" is used with verbs that indicate movement from one place to another: gehen and fahren, for example.   Another category of verbs that take "sein" are those that show a change in condition by showing a transition from one state of being to another or if they indicate a process.  Got that?  Here's an example: 

First state of being             Transition                New state of being

ich bin wach (awake)         ich schlafe ein         ich schlafe 

Thus, "einschlafen" requires "sein" in the present perfect, as it indicates a change in condition:  Ich bin eingeschlafen.  We will discuss this very engaging concept further in class. 

Listen to Übung 3, p. 219 and check boxes. 

Write answers to Übung 4, p. 219

THEN, write 4-5 sentences in the present perfect tense telling about a visit you made to a restaurant.  

Übung 5, p. 220: check the boxes, as appropriate and be prepared to complete in class with a neighbor.  

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

German 1B/10B: Assignment for 11/11/14: Kapitel 6: Wir gehen aus

Continue to work on workbook/lab manual.  Test for Kapitel 6 will be on 11/11/14.  Topics are as below. 


Sprache im Kontext: Lesen, pp. 198-200.  

Read Auf den ersten Blick and answer A, B

Read Die Soße,, p. 199-200,  but FIRST read Zum Text A.1, to look for answers to questions a-e.  

B.  Write a short report about something you have cooked, whether successfully or not!  OR find a recipe in German for a dish you would like to cook or consume and be prepared to describe it to the class.  

Just for fun, watch Frau Lutz make spaetzle.  Note: she is speaking in a dialect of some sort, but you can get the idea.  In the alternative, you could purchase a "Spaetzlehobel."

Test for Kapitel 6: 

Listening section: Identifying places on a map

1. Vocabulary: what doesn't fit 

2.  Vocabulary: Dining in restaurant-related vocabulary.  Fill in blanks. 

3.  Saying where things are or being put according to a picture.  You will use hängen, legen, liegen, setzen, sitzen, stecken, stehen, stellen.  Review use of these various verbs with reference to location vs. placement. 

4.  Simple past of haben/sein

5.  Reading passage and questions 

6.  writing:  

7.  Culture questions based on information in Landeskunde-Info assigned.  

Here is the topic: 

Dialog im Restaurant. Sie sind mit einem Freund in einem neuen Restaurant in Berlin, in dem es sehr voll ist und nur wenige Plätze noch frei sind. Sie finden auch, dass das Essen ziemlich teuer ist. Schreiben Sie einen Dialog zwischen Ihnen, Ihrem Freund und dem Kellner/der Kellnerin (minimal
50 Wörter). In Ihrem Dialog:
• Fragen Sie, ob ein Platz noch frei ist.
• Bitten Sie um die Speisekarte.
• Bestellen Sie ein Hauptgericht, Getränke und einen Nachtisch.

• Bezahlen Sie für das Essen.

For 10B Students: This time, you will present your oral presentation in front of the class (in practice for the final exam presentation.)  Please prepare a 3-4 minutes description of "Ihr Lieblingsrestaurant", using the questions on page 201, Schritt 1.  You could bring a photo of the restaurant, a copy of the menu.  You could quote a sentence from a Yelp review.  Be creative!  Your classmates will ask follow up questions.  

Office Hour: 11/11/14 from 4:45 - 5:50 - Stop by before the test to review any material

The November office hour will be held on 11/11/14 from 4:50 - 5:50. I will be in the teacher's prep room in 360; call at 415-920-6018 to reach me.  If I do not answer, then I will be in the Media Lab in the Library, 4th Floor, Valencia Building.  Stop by to clarify or review anything that has come up that you find particularly cryptic.